December 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd December 2024 at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllrs D Lofthouse (Chair) B Hunter (Vice Chair) C Saywell, J Pilbrow,
J Lofthouse, R De Smit
Also present: The Clerk
Public Forum - no members of the public attended
1. Apologies for Absence – Stephen Bunney
2. Declarations of Interest - none
3. To approve minutes of meetings held on 10th September and 29th October 2024. These were approved and duly signed.
4. Chair & Council’s Comments and matters arising from the minutes.
- Cllr Saywell asked that the review of the Financial Regulations, Clerk’s contract, Disciplinary Policy, Grievance Policy be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. (Action DB to send out the new pay scales).
- Car parking – as a result of suggested options being given to parishioners in our recent newsletter regarding improving access to the car park, we have received one response in support of the use of a combination lock on the gate.
- The electronic newsletter had been well received. There are 10 households that require a paper newsletter delivered.
- Platts Wood – a resident had mentioned that a 4x4 had been spotted down the track and the new owner was trying to find a way of preventing vehicular access.
5. Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters.
Emergency Plan: Clerk had:
- written to Steve Eason-Harris to check he had received our copy of the Emergency Plan, and he confirmed he had
- together with Cllr Saywell, updated the plan to remove names of members of the group who had withdrawn, and to re-word and re-format some of the pages
- requested a Volunteers Privacy form as per P6 of the plan. Cllr Saywell pointed out that this form would need to be completed by volunteers on-line.
6. WLDC and LCC Councillor updates. See Cllr Bunney’s report here.
7. Finance: The clerk reported the following:
- VAT refund: After receiving the VAT refund of £9537.19, £5000 has been returned to the village hall account and £3000 to the Unity savings account.
- Internal audit: The internal Councillor audit has been completed with no issues.
- Clerk’s fees: Cllr Saywell has obtained information on the new hourly rate from April 2024 and has calculated back pay due which will be added to the next invoice. (Clerk to supply details before the next meeting)
- Review Budget for 25/26
- Set Precept for 25/26. It was unanimously agreed to keep the precept the same as last year and the final claim form was signed.
- Approve Schedule of Payments
Payments made by prior approval
A J Williams – September invoice £264.00 (BACS)
A J Williams – October invoice £264.00 (BACS)
EE September invoice £32.08 (d/d)
EE October invoice £37.08 (d/d)
EE November invoice £37.08 (d/d)
EE December invoice £37.08 (d/d)
Octopus Energy £282.23 (d/d)
Wave 29th November £53.58
Interest Unity savings account £150.98
Interest Lloyds savings account September £1.80
Interest Lloyds savings account October £3.31
To pay
Clerk’s invoice £340.77
HMRC £76.40
Zurich Insurance (Valuation of hall) £249.60
It was resolved to accept the above schedule of payments.
8. Planning applications - none
9. Correspondence
LALC e-News
10.Councillors’ Responsibilities
- Resolve to establish and recognise Village Environment group – to include village environment and local highways. Cllr De Smit said she would consider taking on this role.
- Responsibility for Safeguarding. Cllr Saywell said that a clear policy needed to be in place before a decision could be made on this. Training would need to be given to whoever took on this responsibility.
11. Emergency Plan – appoint EPGTL and EPGATL. No volunteers from the Council were forthcoming. This would need to be opened out to the wider community, perhaps via the newsletter.
12. Village Hall: Village Hall Committee to update council. (See Report here).
- Members noted the report.
- Cllr Lofthouse outlined the Nature Calling project.
- A shutter is developing hairline cracks and this will be monitored to see if this occurs on any of the other blinds before action is taken under the 3 year guarantee as there would be some cost involved.
13. Village Field: Committee to update council. (See report here.)
- Members noted the report.
- Cllr Pilbrow explained that Helen Gamble has confirmed that she has funding available to help us to achieve some of the remaining ‘wish list’ for the field – approx. £3,669 ex VAT. This would include:
Two all inclusive picnic tables £1358.00
Seat £ 503.00
Completion of fencing* £1725.00
Anchors for seats/tables £ 83.27
The Parish Council will need to manage the works. We can expect 50% of the cost up front and 50% on completion.
(* Fence improvements: Small fence where the bottom gate to the car park was moved to. Section near to the pedestrian gateway into the field. Old fence to be removed and new fence to put alongside the hedge on the roadside of the dog field.)
It was resolved that the goods be purchased as soon as possible to make use of the offered funding.
- The entrance to the play area requires an updated notice to meet with regulations. A custom-made information sign has been costed at £156.00 (incl VAT). In addition, a mounting board and post would be required.
It was resolved that the PC purchase a notice board and relevant fixings.
- It was resolved to look into the purchase of a combination lock for the gate.
14. Planning issues Pelham Road. Questions were raised over two recent planning applications as regards the stated purposes of two buildings and their subsequent uses.
The clerk was asked to contact planning enforcement to arrange a meeting, between Councillors and planning officers.
15. Agenda items
- Emergency Plan - appoint EPGTL and EPGATL
- Responsibility for Safeguarding
- Financial Regulations
- Clerk’s salary
- Approve Grievance and Disciplinary Policies
- Planning issues Pelham Rd – follow ups
Date for next meeting. Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7.30 p.m.
Meeting closed at 9.35 p.m.