July 2024 (Extraordinary meeting)


Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Parish Council

on Thursday 18th July 2024 at 7:30p.m. 

Present: Cllrs D Lofthouse, J Lofthouse, C Saywell, P Strong, J Pilbrow, B Hunter

Also present: D Beer (Clerk)

Apologies: None


The chair proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Lindley-Baker for her work on the Council. She was the Safeguarding lead, so a new person needs to be found to fill this role.


1. Resolve to adopt Village Field Constitution. Colin Saywell suggested an amendment which was duly made, and it was unanimously agreed to adopt the constitution. 

2. Update on installation of new equipment in Village Field.

Judith Pilbrow reported that after a site visit by Wicksteed the installation was delayed because of the weather but will now be done on Tuesday 23rd July. The field will not be opened until the post-installation inspection has been done. The chain on the swing will also be replaced at the same time. DL had sent email and WhatsApp message to inform villagers of this.


3. Resolve to decide Future Inspections of play equipment and all other PC assets.

The ROSPA inspection has been deferred until next year as the installation will not be completed by the time of the annual inspection, and the annual inspection will be done by the Play Inspection Company (organised by Wicksteed) at the same time as the post-installation inspection. Regular inspections will be done as per the schedule and checklist completed. Disclaimer signage was discussed, and it was suggested that all the signage at that location be rationalised into one large notice. (Agenda item). Action: Clerk to enquire as to whether WLDC could supply a noticeboard. 

Other assets, such as fences, steps to field and phone box should also have risk assessment and should be regularly checked. 

H & S policy to be reviewed in September along with other scheduled reviews.


4. Resolve to progress Zurich Insurance desktop valuation for Village Hall.

Zurich has done the desktop valuation for £208 + VAT and the rebuild value is £168,000. Zurich have added this to their schedule at no extra charge.


5. Resolve to adopt Draft Communication Policy. Cllr Saywell had some questions, and it was agreed to discuss this again before the next meeting.


6. Resolve to adopt Draft Electronic and Social Media Policy. As above. 


7. Update on Environment Issues. 

  • Paul Strong presented his report. He had requested that Highways improve the road markings at the top and bottom junctions on Normanby Rise but these were considered by Highways to be “adequate”.
  • The telephone box was being refurbished. A resident had taken it upon themselves to repaint the post box, but the Parish Council agreed that this was not their responsibility and not in their remit, and it was down to the individual should the Post Office have an issue with this.
  • The fire hydrants and sluice valves will be painted with full approval of the relevant controlling bodies (Fire Service and Anglian Water).
  • Highways have sprayed weedkiller on the gutters. This is probably an annual visit. 
  • Anglian Water had been contacted re the regular clearing of roadside drains as some areas of Mulberry Road are prone to flooding.
  • Dykes at the A46 junction have been partially cleared and Highways are awaiting a report from the contractors.
  • Fly tipping has not been too much of an issue recently. 
  • The PC should continue to lobby Highways re the state of Normanby Rise.
  • Salt bins are full, and buckets will be installed. Areas around the bins need strimming.
  • The clerk was asked to chase a quote from A Williams for clearing the footpath on Mulberry Rd. Action DB.
  • Memorial Plaques will be removed and cleaned.
  • New signage has been erected next to the phone box to keep the parking area  clear.
  • A resident has volunteered to tidy the “library” in the phone box.
  • The Chairman also mentioned that a resident had been weeding the Jubilee Garden and is happy to continue. Action: D/L to contact Pat Spolton to see if she wants to continue to maintain the Jubilee Garden or if she happy to have someone else do it.


8. Update on EPG box inspection and record keeping. The grey box checklist is in place, and it was suggested that checks were done monthly. CS agreed to check batteries for loud hailers. DL enquired if there were instructions for the walkie-talkie. CS to check. It was noted that equipment in the EPG box was not for public use, and there is a first aid kit for public use in the kitchen.


JL will research the best value items for refill/replacements and report back. Action: Clerk to purchase items as requested.


9. Discuss grass cutting around daffodils on verge adjacent to Village Field. Suggestion from JP is to ask A Williams if they could wait until the end of the daffodil season and resume cutting of the verge when daffodils have died back. Action: write A Williams re the above and to avoid Tuesday and Thursday mornings because of disturbance to the yoga class.


10. Update on Lincolnshire CC Volunteers.

Volunteers will visit on 12/13th August weather permitting. (DL to meet them). Jobs will include cleaning all road signs, clearing vegetation on St Mary’s Lane, painting village hall railings, fence and gate and laying membrane and gravel at side of hall. DL to organise supply of materials.


Meeting closed at 9.12 p.m.