September 2024


Draft Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held at the village hall on 10th September 2024 at 7.30 p.m. 

Present: Cllrs D Lofthouse (Chair), B Hunter (Vice-chair), C Saywell, J Lofthouse, J Pilbrow, 

Also present: D Beer (Parish Clerk), Cllr Stephen Bunney and a member of the public.

Public Forum: No speakers

1. Apologies for Absence – none. Paul Strong has resigned as a Councillor and was thanked for his long service to the Parish Council.

2. Co-option of Councillor – deferred to next meeting

3. Declarations of Interest - none

4. To approve minutes of meetings held on 14th May and 18th July 2024. Minutes were approved and duly signed.

5. Chair & Council’s Comments and matters arising from the minutes. Review of Actions.

The Chair noted the following: 

  • Item 6: Pat Spolton had been thanked and she said wanted to carry on with the Jubilee Garden. 
  • It was decided not to adopt the Sharepoint idea.  
  • Item 12: Volunteers have completed the work that was requested on the north side of the village hall and cleaned all road signs. Following the clean-up of village signs by the Highways volunteers, Cllr J Lofthouse suggested an “adopt-a-sign” scheme.
  • A Williams was asked to avoid grass cutting on Tuesday and Thursday due to disturbance to yoga classes in the hall.
  • A letter had been received from MPLC saying that the licence fee for TV and film use in the hall would be £326.27.
  • Item 4 of July minutes: Valuation for the hall had been done
  • Item 8: Emergency Kit. first aid kit has been replenished. Cllr Saywell reported that batteries are fully charged and instructions for the walkie-talkies are in place.


6. Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters. 

The clerk reported that he had:

  • Written to Pat Spolton thanking her for her work on the Jubilee Garden
  • Written to Lincs Flood Management, Anglian Water and Lincs Fire Service re hydrants and sluice valves. A reply had been received from Anglian Water asking for photos and locations. 
  • Written to Fire Service who said they were happy for volunteers to clear around and paint the hydrants.
  • Written to ask Highways if they would include Claxby on the gritting schedule but again the reply was that there was no room on the schedule for the coming year.
  • Purchased first aid refills for Emergency kit
  • Published the redacted version of the Emergency Plan on the website and removed any reference to Colin Saywell being Chair of the PC
  • Contacted the police after an attempted break-in at the Old Rectory during August. PCSOs called at the clerk’s house to report that they had viewed the property and noted villagers’ concerns but could take no action without more evidence.


7. WLDC and LCC Councillor updates.

Cllr Bunney reported on the following: 

  • Scampton: the scheme to accommodate asylum seekers at Scampton has been abandoned and it was hoped that WLDC would be able to continue with their previous development plan. 
  • Policing: As a consequence of the change of funding, there will be another reorganisation of the police. Chief Constable has said that neighbourhood policing is a priority but the policing in Market Rasen is not being increased. Michael Head will organise a public consultation with smaller villages later in the year. 
  • Banking hub: on Oct 1st there will be a public meeting in Market Rasen to explain how it will work. 
  • Doctors’ Surgeries/Pharmacies: Surveys are now available to canvass feedback about pharmacies and doctors’ surgeries. Linked with that is public transport needs for older people who need to visit the surgeries.      
  • Burst water main on Normanby Rise: Anglian Water are aware, and Cllr Bunney agreed to follow this up.
  • Normanby Rise road condition: The class and use of the road means it is not a priority, but we need to keep reporting.  

8. Finance: 

  • New Financial Regulations to be adapted to our purpose at a future meeting.
  • Finance Committee update: the committee agreed to be suspended for the time being and to reconvene as and when necessary.
  • Approve schedule of payments. This was approved and signatories agreed to authorise the payments. 
  • Approve updated asset register: This was agreed with one small alteration. Clerk to inform Zurich Insurance.
  • Signatories for Lloyds village hall account: Cllr Pilbrow is now a signatory.

9. Policies: Review policies as per schedule. 

To save time, it was agreed to call an additional meeting to deal with the above.

  • Communications Policy – approved and adopted. 
  • Electronic and Social Media policy: It was agreed to adopt with small alterations to the wording.


10. Planning applications - none

11. Correspondence: 

  • LALC fortnightly e-news. 
  • A letter had been received from a resident, querying what the policy was as regards opening times for the car park. It was suggested that a newsletter be issued, containing a survey, to canvass villagers’ opinion on whether and when they would like the car park open. Action: Cllrs J and D Lofthouse to compile a newsletter.

12. Neighbourhood Watch/Crimestoppers – the current WhatsApp group was considered sufficient at present.

13. Councillors’ Responsibilities 

  • Update and approve the document.
  • Resolve to establish and recognise environment group.


These to be deferred to next meeting due to personnel change.


14. Village Hall: The Council noted the Committee's report.

15. Village Field: The Committee’s report was noted. In addition, Cllr Pilbrow mentioned the picnic in the park event (Saturday 14th September) to celebrate the opening of the field.

16. Inspection records: 

  • It was agreed that all records would be stored in the village hall file rack. 
  • Risk assessment and regular checks on all assets, e.g. steps and the phone box. Responsibilities to be noted on the Councillors Responsibilities form.

17. Bulb planting. Alastair Williams had raised the issue of the problem of cutting the grass on the verge now that bulbs have been planted. Action: Clerk to discuss this with him. 

18. Jubilee gardens maintenance: Pat Spolton has agreed to continue with this.

19. a) Other matters: The issue of the weed growth on the pavement on Mulberry Rd was discussed. Cllr Bunney to ask highways if they would attend to this. Meanwhile Alastair Williams will give us a quote for clearing back the weed growth.

b) Agenda items: Cllr Saywell requested an agenda item regarding a planning issue. Clerk was asked to follow up previous correspondence with the planning enforcement department.

Date of next full meeting. Tuesday December 3rd at 7.30 p.m.

Co-option meeting Tuesday 29th October 7.30 p.m. (Action: DB: Co-option Policy to be circulated.)   

Policy review meeting: Tuesday 12th November at 7.30 p.m.

Emergency Plan meeting (to update names and roles) date and time TBC.

Meeting closed at 9.50 p.m.