May 2024


Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held on 14th May 2024 after the annual Parish meeting

Present: Cllr C Saywell (Chair), J Lindley-Baker, D Lofthouse, J Lofthouse, J Pilbrow, Cllr P Strong, B Hunter, Cllr Bunney, 

Also present: D Beer (Parish Clerk). 


      1.   To elect a chair: David Lofthouse proposed himself and was seconded and duly elected.

2.   To elect a vice chair. Brian Hunter was proposed, seconded and duly elected.

Cllr Saywell was thanked for his work over the last year.

3.   Apologies for Absence - none

4.   To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. None.

5.   To approve minutes of the meeting held on 16th January 2024 and the extraordinary meeting held on 14th March 2024. Approved and duly signed.

6.   Chair & Council’s Comments and matters arising from the minutes. 

  • Re item 4 in the January minutes. After research, it was clarified by the chair that a grant officer was not required, as the PC does not give grants. 
  • Cllr Saywell proposed that Pat Spolton should be thanked publicly for tidying up the Jubilee Garden. ACTION DB
  • Cllr Bunney was asked who we should approach to clear around and paint the sluices and fire hydrants. He suggested Anglian Water and Lincs Flood Management. ACTION DB
  • A Sharepoint type document sharing system was suggested by Cllr Lindley-Baker for documents that were being developed. ACTION: Cllr Lindley-Baker to research the best system.
  • Cllr J Lofthouse suggested applying for a grant for a projector or TV monitor. Quotes to be obtained and Arnold Clark grant applied for. ACTION JL and DB

7.   Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters. 

  • Clerk had contacted Ancholme Internal Drainage Board re flooding at A46 junction. S Bunney had received a letter from Highways to say this would be attended to within the year.
  • A savings account for both Lloyds and Unity had been opened.
  • On the recommendation of the Finance Committee a new Electricity account with Octopus Energy has been opened – payment on account of £74.59 to be made from Lloyds (Village Hall) account.
  • There is no further news on the location of the bus stop but our concerns about the proposed location had been expressed along with the suggestion of a location near the phone box as a more suitable place for a pole.
  • Volunteers from the Highways Volunteer Scheme had cleared the layby on Boggle Lane and painted the swing and other play equipment. 


Cllr Pilbrow left the meeting due to illness

8.   WLDC and LCC Councillor updates.

Cllr Bunney expressed concern about the reduction in police “on the ground” across Lincolnshire. The idea of a Neighbourhood Watch was suggested. Others felt that that the WhatsApp had superceded that.


9.   Finance: 

     (a) Execute Annual Governance Statement

     (b) To approve statement of account

     (c) Execute review of internal audit 

All documents were signed by the clerk and the chair. The clerk informed the Council that as the turnover was again over £25,000, an external audit would be required. Action: Send audit to external auditor.

The chair of the finance committee raised the issue of updating the asset register and insurance value of the hall and play equipment. Action: DB. include on Finance Committee agenda and obtain valuation of hall.


10. Policies:

      a)    Policies to be approved and adopted having been prepared by Council members

  • Dignity at Work
  • Councilllors’ Expenses

These were approved and adopted by the Council.

b) The draft Communication Policy was discussed and was felt by some to be too detailed for the purposes of a small Council. ACTION: Cllr J Lofthouse agreed to look at it before the next meeting.

c) Resolve to adopt Code of Conduct for All Councillors. This was signed by all Councillors.

d) Review Financial Regulations. It was agreed to put this on the agenda for the Finance Committee to review and compare. 

e) Review Standing Orders. It was RESOLVED to adopt the unchanged standing orders. 

f) Agree to review all other policies on the anniversary of their ratification. The clerk circulated a schedule of renewal of policies.


11. Planning applications:

147847: PROPOSAL: Planning application for alterations and extension to existing dwelling and change to approved details for detached garage being variation of condition 2 of planning permission 146249 granted 30 March 2023 re: amended drawings to incorporate larger extension.LOCATION: Elvin Garth Normanby Rise Claxby Market Rasen LN8 3YZ.

No objections.

12. Correspondence:

a) Notification that volunteers are available again. ACTION: DB to send application for more works. 

  • Rub down and paint railings outside village hall.
  • Clean signs.
  • Membrane and gravel down the side of the hall
  • Paint the fence
  • Vegetation on St Mary’s Lane


b) Questions had been raised about Claxby Platts. It had been bought and the new owner proposes that it remain an asset for the village; to create a bridle path and use it as a commercial woodland. 

13. Village Hall: Village Hall Committee update. See appendix D.

14. Village Field :

  • Receive report from the committee. See Appendix E.
  • Due to time constraints the adoption of the draft constitution was deferred to the next meeting

15. Agenda items for next meeting: 

  • Sharepoint type file sharing system
  • Lincolnshire Alert/Neighbourhood Watch/Crimestoppers


Dates of next meeting: Tuesday 10th Sept, 7.30 p.m.


Meeting closed at 8.47 p.m.