March 2024 (Extraordinary Meeting)
Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held on 14th March 2024 at 2.00 p.m
Present: Cllrs C Saywell (Chair), D Lofthouse, J Lofthouse, J Pilbrow, P Strong, B Hunter.
Apologies: Cllr J Lindley-Baker
Also present: D Beer (Parish Clerk).
1. Playing field equipment: To review and resolve on Wicksteed quotes.
J Pilbrow presented her report:
- The Upper Field Working Party had met on 7 Feb and resolved to use Wicksteed for the equipment. This decision reflected preferences expressed at the public consultation. This was followed by a site meeting on Friday 16th February with B Hunter. It was decided that the seesaw and the springy will needed to be removed as they were beyond repair. The plan of the proposed installation can be seen here.
- A grant of £25,000 had been awarded by WLDC and £20,000 by the Lottery Fund. WLDC will release £20,000 initially, with £5000 to be held back and released on completion of the works. Wicksteed will give 30 days grace to pay the bill after installation. By that time the independent inspection will have been done.
- The second half of the £2500 grant from Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service has been signed off by Helen Gamble. (This has paid for new gates, entrance, steps, ditch, bulbs).
- Jenny Lofthouse is looking into obtaining further grants from Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service and Sport England.
- Quotes amounted to £45,000 + VAT and can be seen here.
The purchase of these items will use up the total amount of the grants awarded. The VAT will need to be found from reserves until it can be claimed back.
- There will be compulsory annual inspections (ROSPA) and interim (monthly) visual checks by the committee.
- Action for the future: Need to update the insurance schedule once the equipment is in.
Council agreed with the proposals and resolved to place the order with Wicksteed.
P Strong proposed that the team be thanked for the work they have done to create this facility for the village.
2. To discuss formalising the Upper Field Working Party into a joint committee of the Parish Council.
It was resolved that a “Claxby Community Field Committee” be formed to give the group the authority to make purchases in the future, and a constitution would be drawn up as soon as possible.
3. Emergency Plan update:
David L has withdrawn from the Emergency Planning Committee due to other commitments.
DL has made a 2-sided document with emergency numbers and PS has agreed to laminate. 120 to be produced, enough for each household plus some in public buildings in the area. PS outlined options for small information cards which could be included with the A4 sheets. Samples would be circulated for feedback.
4. Other business: It was agreed (by prior email correspondence) that the payments made by David Lofthouse (Appendix A) for items relating to the works on the field be reimbursed immediately.
The meeting closed at 3.15 p.m.