May 2023


Notice of Meeting of Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council, which will be held at the village hall on TUESDAY 16th MAY 2023 at 7.30 p.m. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. There will be a 10-minute public forum at the start of the meeting.  

 Dated 20th April 2023   David Beer (Clerk to the Council)



1.  To elect a chair

2.  To elect a vice chair

3.  Apologies for Absence 

4.  Declarations of Interest 

5.  To approve minutes of the meetings held 24th January and 8th March 2023

6.  Chair & Council’s Comments

7.  Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters. 

8.  WLDC and LCC Councillor updates

9.  Finance: 

  • Accounts for Payment
  • Annual return for the year ended 31st March 2023

       (a) Execute Annual Governance Statement

       (b) To approve statement of accounts

       (c) Execute review of internal audit

       (d) Set date for period for the exercise of public rights


10. Resolve to adopt code of conduct for all councillors.

11. Review standing orders  

12. Review financial regulations 

13. Record resolution to adopt Village Hall Terms and Conditions of booking

14. Resolve to adopt Defibrillator Policy

15. Planning applications 

16. Correspondence

17. Emergency Plan – Planning Committee to update Council and council to sign off plan. Mock exercise review. (Appendix A).

18. Village Hall – Village Hall Committee to update council. Update. (Appendix B) Intruder alarm. View PCSO security report (Appendix C)

19. Coronation – feedback from Colin Saywell for the Coronation committee. (Appendix D)

20. Village Field – to discuss general maintenance and updating play equipment.

Discuss allocating responsibilities for (a) maintenance of trees and hedges on the boundary (b) play equipment (c) the playing field and car park area.

21. Grit bin for Normanby Rise

22. Communication 

23. The Old Rectory

24. Date and agenda items for next meeting. Propose dates for the rest of the year.