September 2023


Notice of Meeting of Parish Council

You are invited to attend a meeting of the Council, which will be held at the village hall on THURSDAY 7th SEPTEMBER 2023 at 7.30 p.m. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. There will be a 10-minute public forum at the start of the meeting.  

 Dated 28th August 2023   David Beer (Clerk to the Council)



1. Apologies for Absence 

2. Declarations of Interest 

3. To approve minutes of the meetings held on 16th May and 27th June 2023

4. Chair & Council’s Comments and matters arising from the minutes

5. Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters. 

6. WLDC and LCC Councillor updates

7. Finance: 

  • Accounts for Payment
  • Asset register update and valuation for village hall 
  • Terms of reference for the finance and staffing committee
  • Historical grant for laptop – how to use.

8. Policies:

a) Policies to be approved having been reviewed by the Finance and Staffing Committee

  • Staff sickness
  • Grievance Policy
  • Disciplinary Policy
  • Equality and diversity policy
  • Expenses for staff
  • Health and Safety policy
  • Appraisal policy


b) Policies for future consideration include, and listed in priority order,


i.   Safeguarding, to include the playing field

ii.  Communications and Social Media

iii. Risk Management

iv. Complaints policy and procedure

v.  Councillors’ Expenses

vi. Grants

vii. Publications

viii. Website accessibility (policy already on PC website but need to check it covers the required areas)

ix. Dignity at Work – it was felt para 4.8 in the Terms of reference for this committee covered Dignity at Work but CS to check this against the LALC Dignity at Work policy.


9. Planning applications 

10. Correspondence 

Highways survey – Council to respond by October 15th 2023

11. Emergency Plan: Planning Committee to update Council

12. Village Hall: Village Hall Committee to update council.

13.  Communication: Village newsletter. Councillors to suggest items they would like to see in the newsletter, with a brief paragraph of the text (sent to the Parish Clerk in advance of the meeting).

14. Village Field 

  • Receive report on result of inspection by Councillors, update on ROSPA inspection, and progress on research into updating play equipment. 
  • Discuss the way forward for maintaining and developing the playing field.
  • Resolve to apply for grants for play/gym equipment.
  • Maintenance budget

15. Agenda items for next meeting.