November 2023


Notice of Meeting of Parish Council

You are invited to attend a meeting of the Council, which will be held at the village hall on THURSDAY 23rd NOVEMBER 2023 at 7.30 p.m. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. 

There will be a 10-minute public forum at the start of the meeting.  

Dated 14th November 2023   David Beer (Clerk to the Council)



1. Apologies for Absence 

2. Declarations of Interest 

3. To approve minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2023.

4. Chair & Council’s Comments and matters arising from the minutes. 

5. Follow up to enquiries regarding presence of helicopter in the village.

6. Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters. 

7. WLDC and LCC Councillor updates.

8. Finance: 

  • Accounts for Payment
  • Set precept for 24/25 (estimate) (Finance committee to report deliberations on precept and use of CIL)

9. Policies:

Policies to be approved and adopted having been prepared by Council members:

i.   Safeguarding

ii. Financial Risk Management

iii. Complaints procedure

iv.  Councillors’ Expenses

v.  Website accessibility 


10. Planning applications 

11. Correspondence 

12. Communication: Parish Council use of email

13. Village Hall: Village Hall Committee to update council.

14. Village Field update

15. Agenda items for next meeting. Next meeting 16th January 2024.