June 2022

Minutes of theVillage Hall Management Committee meeting held on

June13th 2022 at 5pm at the Village Hall

Present D. Beer, J. Lindley- Baker, J.&D. Clark, D.&J. Lofthouse – I.&S. Forster joined the

meeting at 5.30pm


  1. It was resolved to appoint ABC damp proofing contractor to treat the external brickwork
  2. It was resolved that volunteers would install passive ventilation units to the hall, kitchen, toilet and storage cupboard
  3. It was resolved to borrow a dehumidifier to determine moisture levels internally with a view to possibly purchasing one for use in the hall
  4. It was resolved to discuss with a representative from Acis provision of fencing between the hall and neighbouring garden to make the area safe and allow permanent side access for hall users
  5. It was resolved to contact the flat roof contractor to arrange for him to liase with the electrician to enable new cabling to be installed when the old roof is removed
  6. It was resolved to enlarge the loft opening in the hall for inspection purposes and to allow electrical cables to be installed by the electrician
  7. It was resolved to contact the stairlift provider to arrange a visit to approve the new staircase before installation
  8. It was resolved to use Polysafe Vogue Ultra Pur flooring (Winter dusk 4730) in all areas of the hall – it was resolved to obtain one more quote
  9. It was resolved to approve the B&Q kitchen design – it was confirmed that the external door can now be classed as a fire exit as the cooker has been removed from this area
  10. It was resolved to reimburse D. Lofthouse monies owing £774.87 – balance remaining in the account £19,085.88
  11. It was resolved to obtain two further quotes for decorating the hall
  12. An informal discussion was had re the future purchase of hall furniture and the procurement of bricks and a door for an outside storage facility. Also future storage or distribution of gel flood defence bags obtained by the Parish Council and currently stored in the hall.

The meeting closed at 6.05pm