Minutes March 2022

Minutes of the Claxby Village Hall Management Committee meeting held on Tuesday 15th March at 3.00 p.m.

  1. The chairman welcomed everyone and allocated roles as follows: David Lofthouse Chair: Jenny Lofthouse Co-chair and fund raising: Diane Clark Booking Secretary: John  Clark Maintenance: Ian and Sue Forster: Events organisation. David Beer: Treasurer/Secretary.
  2. A draft constitution was agreed.
  3. It was agreed that David Beer would set up a bank account, with 2/3 signatories, under the name Claxby Village Hall Management Committee. It was further agreed that the Committee should call a meeting with the Parish Council to ask them to release the funds to the Village Hall Committee.
  4. The Chairman presented a draft Risk Assessment (attached)
  5. An impromptu fire assessment was undertaken by Lincolnshire Fire Service and the building was defined as low risk from a loss of life point of view.  Various faults or omissions were identified, as per the attached document. David Beer was checking with the insurance company as to what fire alarm system was required. David Beer is sourcing some record books for keeping a note of safety checks.
  6. The Chairman presented a draft schedule for renovations (see attached)
  7. Building Quotes: It has proved very difficult to get quotations for building work. 
  8. Funding: Jenny has been looking into National Lottery Grants and an application is under way.
  9. The Jubilee Celebrations are being organised by Colin Saywell, and they will be centred on the Viking Centre so the Village Hall does not need to be involved.
  10. Any other business: It was suggested that a copy of the deeds be sent to ACIS (DB to action this) as they give us access to the neighbouring property (with 48 hours notice) for maintenance etc. and emergency exit from the building is allowed over the neighbouring property. The deeds also suggest a fence along the NW boundary, gate in the E boundary and opaque glass is required in the kitchen window.  A discussion was had as to whether installing broadband would be beneficial.