November 2023


Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held on Thursday 23rd November 2023 at 7.30 p.m. 

Present: Cllr C Saywell (Chair), B Hunter, J Lindley-Baker, D Lofthouse, J Lofthouse, J Pilbrow, Cllr P Strong. 

Also present: D Beer (Parish Clerk). Cllr Bunney, Cllr Tom Smith. one member of the public. 

The Chairman opened the meeting by seeking Council’s permission to move item 5 to the start to fit in with Mr Boulton’s attendance, to allow Mr Boulton to give information in response to queries regarding the helicopter. 

The Chair set the background to this agenda item. Concerns about the helicopter flying within the vicinity of the village had been brought to the attention of the Clerk by two residents. Their concerns were based upon potential noise levels and the impact of the helicopter flying low upon animals and residents. Following initial discussions by the Parish Council, the Clerk contacted WLDC Planning Department, who in turn contacted Mr Boulton about the concerns raised. 

Mr Boulton explained the flight path of the helicopter would not be over the village, so addressing the concerns of the residents. Mr Boulton, from his experience of flying with the helicopter owner, thought he was a very safe pilot. The Parish Council acknowledged the consideration shown by the helicopter owner towards the residents’ concerns. 

Mr Boulton responded to questions from the Parish Council to clarify their understanding of what is involved with a helicopter landing site.

It was agreed by Councillors to have a further meeting to discuss whether any follow up action needed to be taken. 

Public Forum. No items.

1. Apologies for Absence – Cllr Bunney had said he would be late.

2. Declarations of Interest - none

3. To approve minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2023. Approved and duly signed as a true record.

4. Chair & Council’s Comments and matters arising from the minutes. 

Agenda item for next meeting – Parish Council printer.

5. Dealt with above

6. Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters and follow-ups from previous meetings.


  • Fed back to Helen Wilson re the culvert on her land – she understands and has dug the culvert out
  • Updated Village Hall page on website
  • Added defibrillator info on website
  • Wrote to Pat Spolton re plants – info went into newsletter


Responses to queries

i). The Clerk wrote to

a).  LCC re being added to the gritting schedule – call from Tim at Highways Maintenance to say we are very  high scoring and almost at the top of the list but there is not enough capacity in the schedule at present – maybe next year.

b)  Willow Banks Equestrian re helicopter concerns – no response

c)  Wold View Caravan Park re helicopter concerns – no response

d). S Bunney re planning applications that the PC had not been informed about. Since had a meeting with SB. It is not a statutory requirement for the PC to be informed.

e). A Williams re trimming around grit bins – it was added to the schedule for the rest of the season with no charge. I have not added to the schedule for next year as volunteers have come forward.

f).  Mother Architects re verge repairs opposite new build – no response

g). Tourist Information to enquire who is responsible for the noticeboards

h). We have been offered a projector and 6ft screen for the village hall. To be PAT tested before use. To be placed on the asset register.


ii). The Clerk to action 

a).  re-apply to Highways volunteer scheme. 

b).  ask Simon Smoothey of Highways Maintenance re leaves clearing.


7. WLDC and LCC Councillor updates.

Cllr Stephen Bunney’s report is available here.

Cllr Strong raised the issue of flooding caused by blocked drains and ditches. Highways is very aware of the problem.

Cllr Saywell asked if there was any follow up to the “mapping” of the road condition, particularly Normanby Rise adjacent to the top of the playing field. Cllr Bunney said there would be a long waiting list due to budget issues and whilst the work would be carried forward in to the next financial year there would be no guarantee the work would be carried out in 2024/25.

8. Finance: 

  • CIL has been received £926.54. The CIL return was signed by the clerk and verified by the Chair. It was agreed the CIL would go towards the development and maintenance of the village playing field.
  • Our own internal audit was completed by D Lofthouse on 7th November
  • Accounts for Payment

Payments made by BACS with prior approval:

PlaySafety £180.60

AJ Williams £264.00

AJ Williams £132.00

Equip (Sign) £12.00

Huws Gray (postfix) £6.60

Refund to Colin Saywell - Skip hire £260.

Refund to D Lofthouse £267.00 for 2 tables for village hall (from Village Hall account)

LALC £78.00 for J Pilbrow Play equipment training course.

Wave £47.39


Payments made by direct debit

EE 29.74 (October Bill)

EE 29.74 (November Bill)

e-on £88.72 


To pay: 

Clerk’s Fees and expenses 695.86

HMRC 160.00


It was resolved to approve all of the above payments.


  • Set precept for 24/25 (estimate)

The Finance committee reported their deliberations on precept and use of CIL. (Minutes of the committee’s most recent meeting can be seen here.)

It was resolved to raise the precept to £6500. The chair had drafted a letter to parishioners explaining the need for the increase. Cllr Bunney advised that figures need not be communicated to parishioners at this stage because they would not be the final figures. The final figure will be dependent on how much the government provides to district councils. A previously drafted letter, with suggested amendments would be reviewed after the January meeting of the Parish Council when final figures from WLDC will be available.

9. Policies:

Policies to be approved and adopted having been prepared by Council members:

i.   Safeguarding – approved (with small amendments.) Cllr Lindley-Baker agreed to take on the role of safeguarding lead councillor.

ii. Financial Risk Management – approved once the person responsible for each item is added. To be monitored by the F&S Committee.

iii. Complaints procedure – approved with amendments to review at the AGM.

iv.  Councillors’ Expenses – to go on next F & S agenda.

Discussion about an Expenses Form took place. Receipts for payment of expenses to continue as at present but the 3 Councillors drafting the policy to include an Expenses Claim form as part of the policy.

Reimbursement for cost of printing undertaken by Cllr Lofthouse on behalf of the PC for e.g. newsletter. Cllr Lofthouse to provide costs incurred for the next F&S meeting, to be agreed before the next full PC meeting in January 2024.

Discussion took place about the possibility of purchasing a printer for use by the PC – referred to the next F&S meeting. Councillor Lofthouse to present a paper at the next F&S meeting with possible options for the PC.

v.  Website accessibility – approved.

10. Planning applications - none

11. Correspondence –a) LALC e-news and training information. b) AONB survey : agreed to undertake as individuals. Following a request from Helen Gamble (Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service). Cllr Lofthouse agreed to circulate to the village. c) Invitation to Police engagement session December 14th for any councillor wishing to attend online.

12. Communication: Parish Council use of email. Councillors agreed to set up dedicated email addresses for PC business. Clerk would assist councillors if necessary.

13. Village Hall: Village Hall Committee to update council. A report was circulated by email and can be seen here.

JL reported on the grant offer from Helen Gamble at Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service for the car park entrance; because volunteer hours had been included in expenses, it was likely that the full amount of £2500 would be obtained. The work to be covered by the LWGS also includes digging out the dyke, improved access to the dog walking area and installation of a gate between this area and the main field on the far boundary.
Lottery Grant application is under way.

14. Village Field update: Cllr Pilbrow presented the report which can be seen here

15. Next meeting. 

  • Next full meeting 16th January 2024.
  • Interim meeting to be arranged to discuss clerk’s additional hours and helicopter.