Extraordinary Meeting June 2023


Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting of Parish Council held on Tuesday 27th June 2023 at 7.30 p.m. 

Present: Cllr C Saywell (Chair), B Hunter, J Lindley-Baker, D Lofthouse, J Lofthouse, J Pilbrow, Cllr P Strong. Also present: D Beer (Parish Clerk).

1. Apologies for Absence – none.

2. Declarations of Interest -  none.

3. Emergency Plan(EP) for Claxby: the document had already been circulated and the background was outlined by the Chairman. Issues of distribution and personal details being stored were raised. The clerk clarified that personal numbers (apart from those of the team members) would not be made public in the version to be stored in public places. Copies of the full plan, containing personal details, would be retained by members of the Planning Group. A few items which were felt to be unclear were pointed out and the committee agreed to re-visit the document to make clarifications. The Plan was provisionally approved subject to the proposed alterations. To be fully ratified at the next meeting.

Cllr Lofthouse to make the required alterations and circulate only those pages containing the amendments to councillors who will replace these pages in their EP files. Paper copies of the full plan (as per Plan Publication on p5 of EP) will not be placed in the 4 locations [St Peter’s Church, Normanby removed]. A5 notices, produced by Cllr Lofthouse, giving the most important instructions for residents to follow, will take their place at the 4 locations.


4. It was resolved to form a Finance and Employment sub-committee on a trial basis. (If in the future it is found that it is not necessary it can be disbanded.) The 4 members shall be Cllrs Strong, Hunter, Saywell, D Lofthouse. It was resolved that this group, which has already met to undertake the clerk’s annual review , should continue as the Finance and Employment committee. Cllr Saywell to produce a draft remit of this committee for the September PC meeting.


5. To Resolve to adopt the revised Standing Orders (previously circulated and available on the website). RESOLVED


6. Councillor training; the chair confirmed that Claxby PC had subscribed to join LALC Annual Training Scheme and encouraged Councillors to take advantage of the free training offered. Cllr J Lofthouse suggested Councillors should consider the Health and Safety Course and would research to see whether it is a core course (in which case it would be free to members). Cllr J Lofthouse to inform Councillors about the H&S policy being part of LALC’s core provision.


7. Inspection of play equipment: The annual inspection had lapsed since the park had been closed during the Covid pandemic. The Chair pointed out that this may pose an issue with our Public Liability insurance. The companies that quoted a price for inspection offer a training course, but this was deemed to be expensive given that LALC offer a similar course free. Cllr Pilbrow proposed that ROSPA should be booked to do an inspection. An annual inspection would be £75.00 for 5 play items + £3.50 for each additional item, plus a £30 charge for a bespoke check list that Councillors can use to do regular inspections themselves. 

After much discussion, the decision was made to close the park completely until the field can be cleared and the inspection is undertaken, and to discuss with the insurance company whether they think we have taken reasonable precautions.

Action: Clerk to book an immediate inspection followed by regular annual inspections. Cllr Saywell and Cllr D Lofthouse to lock the gate and make a notice. Working party to be organised to clear brash etc. Cllr Saywell to circulate possible dates and times for Cllrs to indicate their availability for brash clearing. Cllrs Hunter and Pilbrow to remove the rotten timber from the wooden play equipment as per their report to Councillors on June 23rd.


7a) Additional item: Invoices for payment: WLDC for election expenses (£102.62) and Cllr Hunter for parts and oil for chainsaw. (£61.50). Approved to pay.


Clerk left the meeting at this point while the next item was discussed.


8. To resolve to approve the remuneration for Clerk to the Parish Council: explanatory paper and contract had been circulated.

The Chair and Clerk discussed the outcomes and the Clerk has withdrawn his resignation from earlier this year.