May 2024

Claxby Community Field Management Committee

Report for Claxby Parish Council Meeting 14.05.24

Since January 2024 the field improvements have used a £2500 grant from Lincolnshire Wolds Countryside Service and £280.10 of allocated CIL funds. A contractor was employed for some of the work. There has been improved vehicular access to the car park, steps have been built to improve pedestrian access into the lower field, further clearing of the ditch, relocating of a gate with a wider gate being positioned at the lower end of the car park providing easier access for grass cutting machinery etc. 1750 bulbs, grass seed and fertiliser have been purchased. The bulbs have been planted.

A further 128 hours of volunteer hours has accrued since January to date. Work is currently concentrating on the preparation of land for grass sowing.

Following the extraordinary Parish Council meeting in March the play equipment order has been placed with Wicksteed. The grants from West Lindsey District Council and the National Lottery will cover the cost. We are currently waiting for an installation date.

The field working party is now a joint committee of Claxby Parish Council and will be known as Claxby Community Field Management Committee. The proposed constitution for this committee is an agenda item at this meeting.

The Committee has met twice. At our recent meeting phase 2 of our upper field project was discussed. Advice and prices are now being gathered for the improvement of the picnic/rest area to include an access pathway to it. Applications will then be made to grant providers.

Thank you to all those people whose time and commitment continues to be invaluable in the work of this Committee.

Judith Pilbrow

Chairperson of Claxby Community Field Management Committee