Draft Minutes March 2024

Claxby Community Field Management Committee

Draft Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 27th March 2024.

Held in the Village Hall.

Meeting opened at 2pm.

Present: Brian Hunter, David and Jenny Lofthouse, Lana Abrey-Sims, Geraldine Blake, Judith Pilbrow.

Apologies: Helen Wilson and Elizabeth Holmes.

1. Working party to Committee status:

Resolved: Name: Claxby Community Field Management Committee. 

Resolved: To accept the constitution with agreed amendments. 

Resolved: To allocate some of the key roles. Chair – Judith Pilbrow, Vice-chair- Brian Hunter, Minutes Secretary – Lana Abrey-Sims.

2. WLDC and National Lottery Grants and Wicksteed linked quotes.

The quotes received from Wicksteed for the play equipment had been accepted at a Parish Council meeting.

Resolved: To confirm with the Parish Clerk that the orders were being made to Wicksteed and that the adjusted colour scheme had been noted on the orders.

3. Consider the other quotes from Wicksteed (path and pavilion, adult gym equipment).

If an application is to be placed with Lincolnshire Wolds Grant scheme there was concern that quote for the additional path and pavilion from Wicksteed was a little too costly as LWGS would only consider giving up to 70% of the cost as a grant.

The quote for the gym equipment included equipment that the committee were not entirely happy with.

Resolved: Members of the committee offered to price alternative shelters and gym equipment for the next meeting.

Resolved: To defer any applications for further grants until after the next meeting.

Resolved: To prepare relevant applications 

4. Identify priority jobs to undertake in the field in the next 3 months.

Resolved: The priority jobs complete as soon as possible:

 Remove the dismantled See-saw from the field

Prepare the pick-up stick area – removal of bricks and stones, levelling, compressing, grass seeding.

Resolved: To work through the following jobs:

 Remove the Rocker,

Fill in the sides of the new pedestrian steps into the dog walking field.

Fill in the holes in the dog walking field to improve grass cutting.

Grass seeding of field perimeter were needed. 

Fencing – parts of dog walking area.

Obtain assessment and quotes for trees bordering the road.

Secure the seats and picnic tables where possible


5. Field Risk Assessment for Volunteers and Contractors.

Work has begun on a Field Risk Assessment document.

Resolved: Jenny and Judith to review and develop the document.

Resolved: Jenny and Judith to consider appropriateness of the present signage at the field for other users.



The meeting closed at 3.50pm