Minutes of meeting November 2019

Claxby Parish Council

Minutes of Council Meeting

held in Claxby Village Hall on

Tuesday 12th November 2019 at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllrs B Hunter, H Wilson, J. Lindley- Baker,T Bowers.

Parish Clerk: H Pitman. Members of the public: Nine.

Apologies for Absence: Cllrs J. Pilbrow, I Cumber.


1. Declarations of Interest: None.


2. To approve minutes of the meeting held 23rd July 2019: The minutes were signed as a true

and accurate record.


3. Chairman & Council’s Comments: The chairman reported on the meeting with Steve Brookes

re rural broadband scheme and that the benches and goal post have been delivered but need

fixing. Claxby Choir are now booking the hall for choir practise and £25 was received from them

as a donation.


4. Clerk’s Report: Graeme Butler, LRSP, has confirmed that objections received from members

of the public regarding the proposals for the A46 are not in relation to the proposed speed

reduction to 50mph but rather that other stretches of the road should be reduced as well. All of

these will now be taken to committee.


5. Finance: Accounts for Payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £308.94; HMRC £64.40; Playsafety

£132.60; Glendale Countryside Ltd £280.80; Play Inspection Co £102.


6. Planning: None.


7. Correspondence: LALC annual report, Clerks & Councils Direct, letter from resident regarding

poor state of play equipment and letter regarding use of the defibrillator. Both of these items to

be discussed in the meeting.


8. To discuss & resolve on installation of seats in the dog walking area: The chairman has

received quotes of £120 and £150 to install each of the benches. However he has costed concrete

slabs which will allow for the benches to be easily moved at £23.85 for the two benches. Council

agreed to purchase. The chairman will order in the spring but will need a working party to



9. To discuss safety inspection report: Two safety reports have been carried out this year,

highlighting nothing major. Both reports identify the swing sets and activity trail as

moderate/medium risk. The multi play is identified as moderate risk by Play Inspection

Company and high risk by Playsafety. No action is to be taken at this time but council will look

to replace the latter in the next financial year. Cllr Bowers to look at alternatives to include

outdoor gym equipment. Agenda


10. To discuss the future of the street lights in light of residents' consultation: Clerk informed

council that the consultation was overwhelmingly in support of retaining the street lights.

Northern Power to be informed.


11. To discuss defibrillator training: The chairman has spoken to Kirsty Raywood at LIVES who

can offer a two hour training course at a cost of £350. A resident said that she may be able to

get a different instructor for less. In any event the clerk to approach Cllr Regis for grant funding.

The clerk will forward a defibrillator check sheet to allow a weekly check of the equipment.


12. To resolve to support residents' bid for ultrafast broadband voucher scheme: Resolved

to support


13. To discuss telephone box repairs: Only a painted hardwood surround is needed at a cost of

£256. Cllr Bowers will approach a resident who may be able to advise before purchase is agreed at

the next meeting. Agenda


14. To discuss & resolve on budget 2020/21: Council agreed to include £1.8K towards play

equipment in next year's budget. Resolved to maintain precept figure at £5407. Proposed, Cllr

Wilson. Seconded, Cllr Lindley-Baker.


The meeting closed at 9.00pm