Minutes of meeting July 2019

Claxby Parish Council

Minutes of Council Meeting

held in Claxby Village Hall on

Tuesday 23rd July 2019 at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllrs B Hunter, J Pilbrow, P Strong, T Bowers.

Parish Clerk: H Pitman. Members of the public: Five.

Apologies for Absence: Cllrs H Wilson, I Cumber, J. Lindley- Baker.



1. Declarations of Interest: None.


2. To approve minutes of the meeting held 9th May 2019: The minutes were signed as a true

and accurate record.


3. Chairman & Council’s Comments: The chairman reported on a recent theft and the Open

Gardens event. Cllr Strong asked what was happening with the phone box as it was agreed

some time ago to turn it into a library. He is willing to clean it; the chairman will proceed with the

shelving; Cllr Regis said he may be able to get a new door; the clerk can access paint from

Crown Decorating Centre. The subject of superfast broadband in the village was discussed in

the open forum and council requested that the clerk ask for a meeting with Steve Brookes at

LCC regarding the Government voucher schemes for communities.


4. Clerk’s Report: A new three year contract has been agreed with Eon for the village hall

electricity. Graeme Butler, LRSP, has confirmed that some comments and objections have been

received from members of the public regarding the proposals for the A46. All of these will be

taken to committee once the public consultation is complete. Cllr Strong expressed his

dissatisfaction at the length of time it is taking. Cllr Strange informed council that many schemes

are in planning stage and officers are stretched. Cllr Bowers who has attended the LRSP

meetings is happy that the matter is progressing.


5. Finance: Accounts for Payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £312.14; HMRC £64.40; WLDC

£106.31. Glendale Countryside Ltd £261. The clerk confirmed that the external auditor has

accepted the Certificate of Exemption and all accounts and audit paperwork is on the website.


6. Planning: 139650 Tulip Tree Cottage, Mulberry Road: Council has no objections/comments.


7. Correspondence: CallConnect posters, Fire Service posters, Lincs Wolds Countryside Service

annual report, Clerks & Councils Direct.


8. To discuss & resolve on purchase of goal posts and picnic tables: To purchase one x 5 a side

goal at a cost of £399.99. Proposed, Cllr Pilbrow. Seconded, Cllr Bowers. Resolved. To purchase

2x benches plus installation at a cost of £299 plus delivery. Proposed, Cllr Strong. Seconded, Cllr

Bowers. Resolved. Resolved to pay £1000 to the clerk towards the cost so that items may be

ordered. Defer decision on picnic tables until ROSPA report received.


9. To discuss the future of the street lights: Defer until consultation complete.


10. To discuss the distribution of money from Claxby Open Gardens and maintenance of the

village hall: Council agreed that money raised at the Open Gardens event should be put towards

enhancement of the playing field. Discussion took place regarding the fact that the funds raised are

not shared equally between the three partners. However, all costs are shared equally. No action to

be taken but to review next time. Maintenance of the village hall deferred.


The meeting closed at 9.05pm