August 2022


Minutes of Meeting of Parish Council held on Wednesday August 10th 2022.

Present: Cllr Brian Hunter, Cllr Paul Strong, Cllr Julia Lindley-Baker, 

Cllr Helen Wilson, and 5 members of the public. 


Also present: Cllr Stephen Bunney (arrived 8.00 p.m.), David Beer (Parish Clerk) and the village hall cat.


In the open forum, a question was raised about an incidence of unauthorised camping on the playing field. It was agreed to erect a notice to prevent casual camping.

It was reported that a leaking fire hydrant on Mulberry Rd had been fixed and Anglain Water were aware of another leaking hydrant outside Rivendell.

 1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Judith Pilbrow, Cllr Ian Cumber, Cllr Mark Reeves, Cllr Tom Regis

2. Declarations of Interest: None

3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 12th May 2022. Approved and duly signed.

4. Chair’s Comments:

  • The chairman referred to the success of the Jubilee Celebrations, for which villagers from Normanby and Claxby came together to organise the weekend, and he awaited feedback from the Jubilee Committee (item 12).
  • The sad death of Doug Elston, of 1 Cherry Lea, on 22nd June, was reported.
  • There was a planned power cut on 15th June for essential repairs. It was noted by Cllr Wilson that there had been many unplanned power cuts. (Clerk was asked to write to Northern Powergrid to ask why this is happening). 
  • A dog poo bin had been installed near the village noticeboard by the Chairman and Cllr Strong
  • A resident had asked for a gate to replace the stile at the St Mary’s Lane entrance to Claxby Park. Mr Brant had been contacted but he rejected the idea, as gates had been left open in the past by walkers, causing the livestock to escape from the field.

5. Clerk’s Report on outstanding matters:

  • Insurance had been renewed with Zurich on a 3-year contract saving £150 (Paid £598.91)
  • Cassells will continue to be our internal auditor until the clerk changes.
  • Defibrillator: While we wait for the new machine (which is delayed due to supply issues), new batteries and pads have been purchased from the fund allocated to defibrillator maintenance (NB £398 is still available for the defibrillator from CIG after buying new batteries and pads and anything left over to go towards the new machine or Playground equipment). It was pointed out that we should have a “guardian” to check the defibrillator once a month. The village hall committee agreed that responsibility for this could be taken on by one of their members and Cllr Strong also offered his assistance. A notice should be placed on the main noticeboard, at the Viking Centre and on the website informing people of the location of the defibrillator.
  • “Interpretation board” posters have now arrived and were shown to Council.
  • A waste bin would cost £55 and it was resolved to order one for St Mary’s Lane.

6. WLDC and LCC Councillor updates

  • Cllr Bunney reported that Emergency Plan information would be sent to clerks and it was suggested we link with neighbouring villages to disseminate information.
  • Under the levelling-up strategy, it was thought that the current 3 councils in Lincolnshire would be united under “Greater Lincolnshire”.
  • Cllr Bunney was asked to report to Highways on the number of potholes on our local roads.
  • The new Local Plan was in draft form and had been submitted. This was subject to change due to new planning laws. The situation for Claxby re development was unlikely to change but it was felt we should monitor this.

7. Finance: 

The clerk presented a brief summary of Village Hall accounts and reported that grants totalling £23,000 had been received, in addition to the original £10,000 Covid recovery fund and the £5000 allocated by the Parish Council for health and safety provision.

Accounts for Payment:

  • Paid by d/d Water £37.52
  • Paid electricity by d/d £130.87
  • Paid Alastair Williams monthly account: £264.00
  • New invoice from Alastair Williams: £264.00
  • Clerk’s invoice: £305.51
  • HMRC: £68.80
  • Buildbase (for postcrete for dog poo bin): £8.70
  • Bank fees £18.00
  • WLDC – for Dog poo bin - £114.00
  • Batteries for Defibrillator: £24.07
  • Pads for defibrillator: £168.00


8. Planning applications: none

9. Correspondence:

  • Traffic restriction notice for Normanby Rise
  • Central Lincolnshire Local Plan submission document
  • Campaign to promote the use of bus passes.

(All of the above are posted in the news section on the website)

10. Expressions of interest for deputy chair. Deferred to next agenda.

(Cllr Lindley-Baker left the meeting)

11. Village Hall update. (Click here to view report)

The Council expressed its gratitude, on behalf of the village, for all the work that has been done by the village hall committee to refurbish the hall.

12. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations - Deferred to next agenda

13. To approve updates to standing orders. Approved.

14. Dates of next meeting was agreed as Tuesday 8th November 2022.