Minutes of meeting Nov 2020
Claxby Parish Council
Minutes of Council Meeting held virtually on
Tuesday 3rd November 2020 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs B Hunter, J. Lindley- Baker, J. Pilbrow, P. Strong (late).
Parish Clerk: H Pitman. Members of the public:.One
Apologies for Absence: I Cumber
Declarations of Interest: None.
1. To approve minutes of the meeting held 2nd July 2020: The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.
2. Chairman & Council’s Comments: Re Playground: The chairman reported that all the wooden play equipment that had failed the inspection has now been removed, with the help of Cllr Pilbrow. The concrete blocks have been removed by contractors, holes filled and grass seeded. Seats on the swings have been replaced and see saw removed and modified by himself. Cllr Pilbrow has painted the see saw and slide and cleaned the equipment. Gates have been adjusted and latches refitted by the chairman. New signs including Covid ones have been sited around the field and on equipment thanks to Cllr Cumber and there is also a Covid sign in the phone box.
3. Clerk’s Report: The clerk confirmed that at the present time play areas are to stay open during lockdown.
4. Finance: Accounts for Payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £330.08; HMRC £69.80; Glendale: £215.08. Balance on accounts as at 20th Oct 20 £23,578.38. The clerk confirmed the grant from West Lindsey DC has been received for the village hall. It was agreed that this should be earmarked for repairs to the hall.
5. Planning: None
6. Correspondence: None
7. To review the village playing field: Council agreed that adult outdoor gym equipment should be considered for the playing field before any replacement children's equipment. An amount to be set aside in the budget towards this.
8. To resolve on the payment for repair of the phone box: Cllr Strong entered the meeting however the sound quality was poor and it was extremely difficult to hear what he said. The repairs are still outstanding. Council approved payment of £485.
9. To discuss & resolve on budget for 2021/22: After some discussion council resolved that £2K be set aside for gym equipment and £1K towards village enhancement. To come out of reserves. Of the £10K for the village hall: to resolve the damp problem initially. Council resolved to keep the precept at £5407. Proposed, Cllr Lindley-Baker. Seconded, Cllr Pilbrow.
The meeting closed at 8.08pm