Minutes of meeting July 2020
Claxby Parish Council
Minutes of Council Meeting
held virtually on
Tuesday 21st July 2020 at 7.30 pm
Present: Cllrs B Hunter, J. Lindley-Baker, H. Wilson, I. Cumber, J Pilbrow, P Strong.
Parish Clerk: H Pitman
Members of the public: Three
Apologies for Absence: Tony Bowers has left the village.
1. Declarations of Interest: None.
2. To approve minutes of the meeting held 28th January 2020: The minutes were signed as
a true and accurate record.
3. Chairman & Council’s Comments: The chairman reported that a group of councillors had met after the last meeting to discuss regular testing of the defibrillator. Cllr Lindley-Baker said that the original template form is to be updated and that she and Cllr Pilbrow are monitoring it as often as possible. It was agreed that a schedule be drawn up for council to check on a weekly basis. LIVES training is on hold due to Covid-19. The chairman added that David Beer will take over running of the website once he has done the training and the telephone kiosk is now a book swap thanks to Cllr Strong installing shelves at no cost to the parish.
4 Clerk’s Report: The matter of the Old Rectory has been referred to West Lindsey Empty Homes Enforcement officer and the police for them to take appropriate action. Complainants have been made aware of recent updates. The latest update from LRSP is that the budget has been obtained c£30k and they are pushing for the works to be started. A meeting was held with ACIS to discuss the heap of soil abutting the village hall prior to lockdown and they are to investigate digging of a trench. However, this is part of the occupier’s garden.
5. Finance: Accounts for Payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £350.54; HMRC £21.40. Cassells £72. Glendale £215.09. Balance on the accounts as at 20th June 2020 £14,176.02
Annual return for the year ended 31st March 2020:
a) Execute Annual Governance Statement; Executed
b) To approve Statement of Accounts: Approved
c) Execute Certificate of Exemption: Executed
d) Execute review of effectiveness of internal audit: Executed
6. Planning: None.
7. Correspondence: None.
8. To further discuss defibrillator training and weekly check of equipment: The chairman informed council that a resident has said a LIVES employee would be willing to undertake training of up to 10 people at a cost of £150 and will undertake the weekly check. However this person was not present at the meeting to confirm. It was advised by the clerk that the chairman speaks with him direct and checks his credentials. She also advised that the check can be undertaken by anyone using a checksheet that she can supply, and that this needs to be undertaken on a weekly basis and kept as a record. Cllr Cumber said that this matter needed to be addressed immediately and councilors agreed to undertake the check initially. Council resolved to pay up to £350 for training to allow this to be carried out by LIVES should the contact not be forthcoming. A date to be advised. Cllr Lindley-Baker will organize.
8. To review the village playing field: The clerk informed council that before the play area could be re-opened to the public, government guidance advised council must ensure the equipment is safe to use and that risks from damaged or defective equipment are addressed. Council agreed to assess the equipment later in the week and remove all equipment beyond repair. A contingency amount of £1000 for removal and emergency was resolved upon. Cllr Cumber agreed to make Covid-19 posters for display at the entrances and on the equipment. Replacement play equipment to be discussed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.31 pm
Agenda items: Playing field equipment.