Minutes January 2020

Claxby Parish Council

Minutes of Council Meeting

held in Claxby Village Hall on

Tuesday 28th January 2020 at 7.30 pm

Present: Cllrs B Hunter, J. Lindley-Baker, H. Wilson, I. Cumber.

Parish Clerk: H Pitman

Members of the public: Five

Apologies for Absence: J Pilbrow, P Strong.


1. Declarations of Interest: None.


2. To approve minutes of the meeting held 12th November 2019: The minutes were signed as

a true and accurate record.


3. Chairman & Council’s Comments: The chairman reported that hall had been booked for the May elections and the community choir continues to use the venue and have paid £20 towards the hire. The microwave in the hall, having ceased to work, needed to be replaced for the General Election in December. A new one was purchased by the chairman under Financial Regulations as an emergency purchase at a cost of £55. Cllr Lindley-Baker raised concerns about a number of incidents on the playing field regarding intimidating dogs. These have been reported to the police. She confirmed she will enquire what action has been taken and will report back to council at the next meeting. The clerk advised council that there may be a liability issue if this reoccurs on council-owned land and advised council review use of the dog walking are. (Agenda)


4 Clerk’s Report: Potholes on St Mary’s Lane and Pelham Rd have been reported and are under investigation. Cllr Strange has requested a meeting with Highways to discuss issues in the village. Nothing more has been heard from Northern Powergrid about the under grounding or ACIS with regard to the meeting to discuss the heap of soil abutting the village hall.



5. Finance: Accounts for Payment: Resolved to pay: H Pitman £310.14; HMRC £64.40. B Hunter re Peter Rhodes £55. Balance on the accounts as at 20th January 2020 £10,548.17


6. Planning: Council has no comments/objections to planning application number 140433.


7. Correspondence: LWCS report, Clerks & Councils Direct.


8. To further discuss defibrillator training and weekly check of equipment: The chairman informed council that a resident has said a LIVES employee would be willing to undertake training of up to 10 people at a cost of £150 and will undertake the weekly check. However this person was not present at the meeting to confirm. It was advised by the clerk that the chairman speaks with him direct and checks his credentials. She also advised that the check can be undertaken by anyone using a checksheet that she can supply, and that this needs to be undertaken on a weekly basis and kept as a record. Cllr Cumber said that this matter needed to be addressed immediately and councilors agreed to undertake the check initially. Council resolved to pay up to £350 for training to allow this to be carried out by LIVES should the contact not be forthcoming. A date to be advised. Cllr Lindley-Baker will organize.


9. Update on superfast broadband: The meeting was suspended to allow a resident to update the council on progress. He confirmed that sufficient numbers have been reached to allow the village to apply through the voucher scheme.


10. To resolve on repairs/alterations to the telephone kiosk: Defer to next meeting. Cost of installation and repair still to be sought.


11. To discuss and resolve on new equipment on the playing field: Defer as Cllr Bowers was not in attendance. Cllr Cumber asked why some of the equipment cannot be repaired and the clerk was tasked with obtaining a quote to repair the swing set and activity trail.


12. To discuss expansion of the parish council website to include events and production of a newsletter. A resident has come forward offering to do both and council was pleased to accept. The clerk advised that LCC is upgrading sites and a new website needs to be created. She has been advised of the training dates and will advise the resident so he may make a booking. She will be attending on 5th March.


The meeting closed at 9.14 pm


Agenda items: Playing field equipment, dog walking area and telephone box maintenance.