Minutes of meeting August 2021
WEDNESDAY 18th AUGUST 2021 at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Chairman B Hunter, Cllrs J Pilbrow, J Lindley-Baker, P Strong, I Cumber, H Wilson.
Also present: D Beer (Parish Clerk), Cllr S Bunney, Cllr Tom Regis and 5 members of the public.
In the public forum Cllr Bunney updated the Council on the state of the roads. He was to be meeting with Joe Philips from Highways on 9th September to view the condition of our roads, particularly Normanby Rise. A resident mentioned that the footpath on Normanby Rise was impassable because of growth from gardens. It was suggested we approach residents informally to rectify.
1. Apologies for Absence: None.
2. Declarations of Interest: None
3. To approve minutes of the meeting held 26th May 2021. Approved and signed.
It was resolved to move agenda item 6 to this point in the meeting to allow discussion of the planning application while Cllr Regis was able to attend.
6. Planning Application 143410. Following an informal parish meeting on 11th August in which the application was discussed in detail, Council resolved to opposed this application on the grounds of density, appropriateness of style for the village, overdevelopment in an AONB, and concerns over increased traffic and access to and from Normanby Rise. Cllr Regis agreed to take this to the Planning Committee after liaising with a nominated Councillor (I Cumber).
Before leaving the meeting at 8.00 p.m. Cllr Regis reminded Councillors and public that he is available to discuss any issues of concern, and that there is still funding available from the Councillor Initiative Fund for local projects.
4. Chairman & Council’s Comments: The Chairman noted that the noticeboard had now been replaced. Cllr Strong had agreed to stain the wood. The slabs for the benches in the play area are on order. It was suggested that the transport and fitting of slabs and benches should be done professionally. (Clerk was instructed to approach suitable builders and to see if funding was available for this). The chairman was thanked for his work on this.
5. Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding:
A question had been raised about a development on the Boulton’s field: an old shed is being replaced so no cause for concern.
Salt bins can be purchased for £91- £130. Clerk was asked to enquire if LCC would provide an additional bin. If not, one was to be purchased to go at the junction of St Mary’s Lane with Mulberry Rd.
Insurance has been reduced by £48.63, after suggestion from Council to reduce amount of playground equipment insured; new total £626.62. The clerk’s personal cheque has now been reimbursed as the bank has finally sent a cheque book.
2 picnic benches have been ordered and delivered and the invoice for Marmax Products Ltd. (£891.60) has been paid.
Gritting agreement – Lincolnshire Gritters would come out for an hour (a two hour call-out, shared with Nettleton) for £95.50 + VAT. This compares favourably with our current contractor at £150.00 per hour. Clerk was asked to ascertain whether this included Park Rd to the A46, what notice the contractor would need, and what the cost would be if not shared with Nettleton.
Telephone box – stick on signs can be ordered at 5.99 each to say “Book Exchange”. Cllr Strong would also like to add a plaque saying “This telephone kiosk was adopted by Claxby PC on behalf of the village”. Clerk to source signs.
NALC has advised that we update the standing orders as the old ones contain clauses that are no longer legally correct. Clerk has uploaded the new ones to the website. Council was asked to review and to discuss and resolve to accept them at next meeting.
7. Finance: Accounts for Payment:
Clerk’s Invoice 308.20
HMRC 67.00
Glendale 276.90 (3 invoices)
Cassells £78.00
Clerk’s invoice underpayment. £23.47
Resolved to pay and cheques duly signed.
8. Correspondence: New local plan for housing growth.
LALC e-news. Both had been forwarded to councillors via email.
9. Defibrillator . Councillors felt it was a big responsibility to maintain the equipment. WLDC had indicated that they were unable to offer maintenance for our existing defibrillator. Clerk was asked to enquire as to whether WLDC would be able to supply one, and/or to find a company who could supply a new one and offer a maintenance contract. Clerk to enquire about funding for this.
10. House numbering: clerk reported that there would be a cost to each resident to change the name/number of their house, and the matter was further complicated by many of the properties concerned being tenanted. Cllr Cumber felt this was not a Parish Council concern and it was agreed to drop the matter.
11. Village Hall – clerk presented an estimate to completely refurbish the hall at £35,000. It was suggested that initially we find out the cost for protecting the fabric of the building (resolving damp issues etc) to make good use of the £10,000 ring fenced for the hall and further see what designs can be drawn up for creating better access (for which funding would be available). Clerk to investigate. It was further suggested that a village hall committee be set up to push the project forward.
12. On-line banking – clerk still waiting to hear from HSBC. If no progress, it was suggested we move to another bank.
13. Play area: Because of recent incidents, it was suggested a sign be made to remind people that it is not a public playing field but for the use of Claxby residents, and that there should be no parking in the gateway. Clerk to devise notice.
14. Dates and agenda items for future meetings.
The next meeting was set for Tuesday 16th November. The need for an additional councillor was raised and the clerk agreed to put a notice on the website, noticeboard and What’sApp group to ask for expressions of interest.
The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.