May 2021 (Annual Parish Council Meeting)


Minutes of Annual Meeting of Parish Council held on WEDNESDAY 26th MAY 2021  


Present: Cllr Brian Hunter, Cllr Paul Strong, Cllr Julia Lindley-Baker, Cllr Judith Pilbrow, Cllr Helen Wilson, Cllr Ian Cumber and 4 members of the public. 

Also present: Cllr Stephen Bunney and David Beer (Parish Clerk)


In the open forum Cllr Bunney was invited to speak about the state of the roads in the area and admitted that “road conditions are a major issue”. He stated that there were many delays for a number of administrative reasons which he hopes will be addressed. He has driven round the area and is very aware of the problems. He suggested that LCC ‘s priority is to repair major roads, ignoring the minor roads. Cllr Strong had printed out a list of the problems and suggested Claxby is being ignored. Cllr Bunney assured him that Claxby is not alone in this neglect and other Parishes have similar problems. He suggested we arrange to meet with the heads of department in charge of roads at LCC to show them the issues. Clerk will liaise with Cllr Bunney to arrange this.

On the matter of the election of a new Crime Commissioner, Cllr Lindley-Baker asked what changes could we expect to see. In the ensuing discussion it was generally felt that the lack of police presence in the area was a matter of concern, particularly with a perceived rise in petty crime.

After an extended open forum, the meeting moved on to the matters on the agenda.



1. To elect a chairman: Brian Hunter was duly elected and accepted the office.


2. Apologies for absence: None. 


3. Declarations of Interest . None 


4. To approve minutes of the meeting held 10th February 2021Approved.


5. Chairman & Council’s comments

The Chairman welcomed the new Parish Clerk.

He reported that an electrical condition certificate and portable appliance certificate has now been carried out in the village hall. At the recent elections in the hall the turn-out for the recent elections was 60.8% with 35 postal votes.

We are waiting for estimates for renovations to the hall.

He mentioned the problems the Council had with HSBC bank.

Cllr Lindley-Baker suggested an advisory notice be placed at the door to the village hall, warning of the step. Clerk agreed to arrange a temporary notice.


6. Clerk's report on matters outstanding

Grit bins had been filled throughout the village.

Noticeboards – Clerk has spoken to WLDC and they have agreed funding to repair or replace the double board by the phone box and he is working with Rachel Martel at the tourism department to create a new poster design for all our noticeboards.

The clerk reported that he had visited HSBC bank in Lincoln to resolve various issues. The bank appears to have lost the original mandates for the signatories and had asked all 3 signatories to go to the bank with ID.  The Chairman had previously signed the change of address mandate (so that statements and cheque books could be sent to the new clerk) but the bank had not authorised this because he was not a recognised signatory. In consequence, we have run out of cheques.

7. Finance: Accounts for payment

ICO payment (£40) has gone for registration for GDPR protection

Glendale for grass cutting £144.25

Clerk’s Annual Training Scheme Membership 21/22 - £90, but Rothwell have paid 50% of this. New Clerk’s training fee £54

Clerk’s invoice: £362.22

HMRC: £61.80

Resolved to pay

Insurance premium 675.25. Clerk asked for Council’s approval to pay this from his personal account as the Council’s account has run out of cheques. It was resolved by Council that as soon as bank issues are sorted, the clerk would be reimbursed immediately.


8. Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2021

  1. Execute Annual Governance Statement - executed
  2. To approve statement of accounts - resolved
  3. Execute Certificate of Exemption - executed
  4. Execute review of internal audit  - executed


9. Renewal of annual insurance policy

Insurance for village hall is due to renew on 1st June (The Council is on a 3-year contract with Came and Co) – clerk asked if any changes were needed. The chairman said the value of equipment in the playground was much less than before as some had been removed. Clerk agreed to look into whether a reduction in value insured would lead to a reduction in premium. If not, council resolved to pay the quoted premium.



10. Planning 


Application no 142730 – storage of static caravans at Total Butler Storage

-  no objections

Application no 142752 – detached garage at Delves Cottage

 - no objections

Application no 143003 – house on Pelham Rd. The clerk read correspondence from the Planning Department, which implied that retrospective planning permission would probably be granted. The Chairman felt that this set a worrying precedent. The clerk stated that he had already expressed Council’s concern to the head of planning.


Cllr Lindley-Baker asked whether any development was taking place on the field adjoining Sandhills. Clerk agreed to investigate.

Clerk was also asked to make a check for any plans for the plot of land (now sold) adjacent to Langdale Lodge.

Cllr Cumber reported that he had attended a Planning training meeting and recommended it to other Councillors.


11. Correspondence 

LALC e-news – clerk agreed to forward by email.

Letters re planning as noted in item 10.

A letter inviting us to register the defibrillator on “the Circuit” website. Clerk to follow up.


12. To review standing ordersResolved to retain as printed.


13 To review financial regulationsResolved to retain as printed.


14. Contract for gritting

The Clerk said he had asked Lincolnshire Gritters for an estimate (to compare with our existing contractor) but was awaiting a reply. The need to share the gritting with Nettleton was discussed and it was suggested by Cllr Cumber that this was probably a historical agreement. Clerk to check previous minutes for review at next meeting.

Cllr Strong wondered if the installation of more salt/grit bins would obviate the need for employing a professional gritter. Clerk agreed to look into the cost of this.


15. Picnic tables in play area: 

Cllr Pilbrow had researched this and proposed we buy 2 plastic tables (with a 25 year guarantee) for £349 each. The cost of concrete slabs and labour was an additional expense so council resolved to allocate £1000 for this project.



16. To discuss numbering of houses in village

Cllr Pilbrow said that a resident had brought it to her attention that, because of the odd numbering in the village, (where Mulberry Rd has several number 1s and number 2s) deliveries are going to the wrong households. This was a serious issue when ambulances arrived at the wrong address.  The clerk agreed to follow this up by writing to WLDC and Acis (who own some of the properties in question).


17. To discuss frequency of meetings

Cllr Strong felt that 3 meetings a year was not enough. After discussion it was resolved to have quarterly meetings, to be reviewed after one year.


18. To discuss repairs to village hall.

The clerk reminded Council that a grant of £10,000 had been ring fenced for this and there was a need to move forward. To this end he has contacted some builders for estimates of the scale and cost of works to solve the damp problem and make the hall appealing and usable.  He had also renewed contact with Acis (who own the adjacent land) and they have agreed to come out to discuss the area for which we need access. 


19. To discuss a suitable memorial to Trevor Lyle.

The Chairman reported that the family had asked Ken Griffen to make a bench for Griff Wood so the Council did not need to be involved.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10