Lincolnshire County Council is responsible for the Minerals and Waste Local Plan for the county which outlines the principles for the future provision of minerals and the management of waste.

It provides the criteria under which we consider minerals and waste development applications, and where required, allocates land for these uses. Following a detailed review of the plan, we are now in the early stages of updating the LMWLP. This involves carrying out a consultation on the ‘Issues and Options’ for updating the plan.


We have produced an Issues and Options consultation document which sets out the main issues affecting how we plan for minerals and waste in Lincolnshire together with potential options for improving the plan. To help the consultation process, it includes a range of questions where we are seeking your views on the most appropriate way forward. In parallel with this Issues and Options consultation, we are carrying out a ‘call for sites’ exercise to give landowners, the industry and other interested parties an opportunity to nominate potential sites for allocation in the updated LMWLP.


Please see the letter here for the details of the consultation and how you can get involved.


Published: Wednesday, 29th June 2022